Bubble House

Yuxuan Zhang

Jamie 1129874



The design of the structure should consider one or more of the following site conditions. These are not actual sites, but represent the various types of sites where a Tiny Home or ADU structure may be constructed in Salt Lake City: 1.A standalone site - very small residual site for a single, standalone residence2.A cluster site - a larger parcel where multiple residences could be located in a small planned development3.An accessory dwelling site where the residence may be located in a rear or side yard of a primary structure4.An accessory dwelling or subdivided lot where the residence may be located at the rear of a lot, but which may have frontage to a public or semi-public way such as an alley or transit corridor.

Jordan River Peace Labyrinth, Riverside Drive


The open space in the center of the residence is closely related to the surrounding environment. There are rivers and streets nearby, with convenient transportation.